March 15, 2010


While I was driving the kids to school the other morning, we had one of those little moments that you just have to smile at.  We normally drive down Camino De La Tierra through the Rillito to get the kids to school.  Since there has been so much rain, the river has been closed for about three weeks now.  Now we take I-10, which takes a lot longer to get to school.  This particular morning, we left in plenty of time to get to school, but for some reason the traffic was really backed up at Orange Grove and I-10.  We had forgotten to say our family prayer that morning and since we were not going anywhere anytime soon, I asked Trey if he would say the prayer in the car for us.  He did and when he was praying, he asked that we could get to school on time.  Even though we left in plenty of time, the current back up of traffic made me question whether we would make it.  As soon as Trey concluded the prayer, the traffic opened up.  Trey said, "Wow, did you notice that as soon as I said amen, the cars began to move?"  I loved that he automatically made the connection between his prayer and the traffic clearing up.  It was a great moment for my family to see an immediate answer to a prayer.  We did make it to school on time that morning, and had it not been for the traffic suddenly clearing up, we would have been late.

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